Why are YouTube Influencers Negging Audiences Into Taking Lifestyle Advice? w/ Steffi Cao

Show Summary:
How do YouTube influencers neg their audiences into taking lifestyle advice?

Internet culture writer Steffi Cao joins Jamie to discuss how influencers undermine audiences with video titles that are not what they seem. The two discuss authenticity on social media platforms, why clickbait titles still reign supreme, and if there’s anything positive to come of this trend.

📖 Read YouTube Influencers want to neg you into taking lifestyle advice in Fast Company

About Steffi Cao
Steffi Cao
is an internet culture writer, most recently reporting at BuzzFeed News and Forbes as its inaugural creator economy staff writer. Her work has appeared in Teen Vogue, The Washington Post, Bustle, and MTV News. Her work, including her eponymous newsletter, it’s steffi, was featured on NPR and The View this year. She resides in Brooklyn, and her favorite berry is the blueberry.

Hosted by Josh Chapdelaine & Dr. Jamie Cohen
Digital Void Podcast is a production of Digital Void, LLC.


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